Lindsay Camp writes:

Thank you for visiting my website.

If you are looking for a massively experienced writer of all forms of brand communications, I’m afraid you’re just too late. After very nearly 40 years in business, I’ve recently pulled down the shutters, and spun the “open” sign round to “closed” for the very last time.

 I’m still writing, of course. 

 In fact, I’ve just finished my biggest and most ambitious creative writing project: an online novel – also available as a free ebook – called My Father keeps the PM waiting.

 I’m still adding the occasional new poem to the collection on this website, beautifully designed by my friends at Baxter and Bailey. 

 And I haven’t given up on the quest to write the perfect children’s picture book, to sit on the shelf alongside my earlier attempts, some of which are available here.

 As for my back catalogue, I’m happy to say that my ancient book on persuasive writing – Can I Change Your Mind? – is still helping people to use words to achieve the result they want. Maybe I can persuade you to buy a copy here?

Thanks again for calling by.  




The last word: